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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Get Organized and Get Rid of Clutter in your home - Remove the Stress - Learn to finally truly relax

Get organized, and get rid of clutter.

It can truly give you piece of mind. Imagine coming home at the end of a stressful day and not see one solid piece of anything around except the furniture, wall art, lamps, tables and carpet or rugs.  No mail, magazines, too many knick knacks, styles or designs that are mismatched. keys everywhere, hair bows, drink cups, sunglasses, your watch, or other jewelry, and sometimes boxes of stuff.

Fortunately for me, my mother taught me this tool  of getting rid of clutter in your home as a young girl, however, not everyone grew up in the same clean, neat and organized environment, that I had the opportunity to have. I understand for some it's a learning process and that is o.k.

I make it a habit whether it be at night or first thing in the morning to go through each room and put away anything that should not be out. The reason? I love to leave the home clutter free and come home after work, seeing everything put in it's own specific place. It just looks clean, crisp, organized and truly makes you feel good inside, helps you move forward with your evening in a more relaxed mode.

 The first step is getting rid of all the extra stuff you never use, or the personal belongings that are stuffed somewhere in a closet or under a bed. You won't believe how good you will feel, if you start now, working on how you will tackle each room and slowly get started with a plan on getting those stacks of clutter organized.  I know some things are really hard, sometimes I need someone to take things away without me looking. I get it, but go ahead and let go of those things you have been collecting that you will really never use.  

Once you have a place for everything. When you do break out all kinds of "things" we also call clutter...putting everything away quickly will be so simple.  I have people in my house all the time, including strangers, and it helps to have those places for everything when those visitors show up on short-notice.

I personally find that  I am not able to relax or be creative when the house is not organized. That doesn't mean I am constantly dusting or vacuuming either. What that means in a nutshell like I just mentioned, is that everything in the house has a place and it won't be out in the open either.  Once everything is organized, I can breathe and feel good about my surroundings and my home.

I guess what I want to say is, when you learn to declutter, you won't believe how relaxed it will make you feel, just knowing that you can now be proud of your living space and breathe easier and not worry about the mess, and you can truly deal with all the other things in life, like enjoying your short time on this great earth.

Here are some books to help you, if you need help getting there.

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